Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Simple Projects Made With Autumn Leaves

Oh autumn, you’re so seductive. With your crisp mornings, alluring colors, turning leaves, and pumpkin everything, you entice us every time! I write this post as I start my afternoon ritual of lighting a three wick pumpkin vanilla spice candle to fill the air with its scent. :)

Soon there will be an abundance of leaves on the ground, and a shame to rake them into piles without making artistic use of them! These projects are all easy and require minimal supplies.

Fall Leaves Streamer




Decoupage Autumn Leaf Pumpkins


Fall Foliage Stencil Collage


Fairy Light Strand


 Autumn Leaves Bowl


Clay Leaf Bowls


Pressed Framed Fall Leaves


 Stamp Pillowcases



Wax Preserved Leaves



Mantel Garland


Fall Leaves Window Display



Via Architecture http://www.rssmix.com/

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