Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Our Long Awaited Master Bathroom Reno Begins

Our Long Awaited Master Bathroom Reno Begins

If you listened to this week’s podcast you heard John and I proclaim that we’ve moved from the verrrrry long daydreaming and changing our minds phase of our master bathroom planning process (which lasted over 6 years while we renovated most of the other rooms in our house as well as the entire beach house & duplex) into the finally-being-sure-of-what-we-want-to-get-out-of-it and beginning to actively space-plan it phase.

For example, after years of going back and forth about whether we wanted a separate tub and shower or a tub/shower combo, we’re now 100% sold on separate ones (we have that setup at the beach house and it’s our favorite bathroom ever). I even said on this week’s podcast that “I would call what we’re in right now the beginning of the renovation. We are going to gut this room this fall or this winter – like it is upon us.”

To that John Not As Impulsive Petersik said: “I don’t think we’re going to be gutting it in the next few days or weeks…” and I made some joke about how he should know me by now and, well, I’ll just leave this picture here.

Continue reading Our Long Awaited Master Bathroom Reno Begins at Young House Love.

Via Architecture

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