Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Refinishing Pine Floors So They’re Light & Airy (Not Dark & Yellowed)

Refinishing Pine Floors So They’re Light & Airy (Not Dark & Yellowed)

Alternate title: putting the floor in Florida. I’ll pause while you slap your knee. I’m telling you, I’ve got mom jokes for days. And speaking of days, I googled this topic for days on end. And let me tell you, finding someone who shared actual photos and an exact rundown of what floor products they used on pine floors to get the result we were aiming for was BLEAK.

We were looking for a soft and light end result (not darker or more amber-toned/yellowed, which seems to be what pine likes to do, especially if it’s sealed with regular old oil based sealer – even just the clear stuff yellows it significantly). Oak floor refinishing info is endlessly available by the way. But straight pine pics & details about achieving a softer & lighter just-sanded look… not so much. In fact our contractor said most people rip out their old pine floors and replace them with white oak to get that lighter and not amber look and I was like AHHH MY EARS ARE BLEEDING WHO RIPS OUT GORGEOUS ORIGINAL HARDWOOD FLOORS?!

Continue reading Refinishing Pine Floors So They’re Light & Airy (Not Dark & Yellowed) at Young House Love.

Via Architecture

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