Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hunting Down The Real History Of The Pink House (There’s A Twist!)

Hunting Down The Real History Of The Pink House (There’s A Twist!)

This all started because we wanted one of those cool “Historic District” plaques on our beach house. Spoiler, we got it…and one for the duplex too! But the process turned us into amateur sleuths, history-buffs-in-training, and (more predictably) people who paint their front door a new color while they’re at it. So here’s the story, along with a mini porch update, and some concrete tips & advice for uncovering the history of your home too.

Ever since we bought our beach house three years ago (yes, three!) we’ve been jealous of admired the official “Cape Charles Historic District” plaque on our neighbor’s house (the blue one between the duplex and the pink house in the photo below). We originally presumed that it was a designation that was only awarded to certain homes that met strict historic restoration qualifications (like having all of the original wood windows – which neither of our houses came with when we bought them).

Continue reading Hunting Down The Real History Of The Pink House (There’s A Twist!) at Young House Love.

Via Architecture

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