Sunday, June 30, 2019

Weekend Reading

Hello friends, how was you June? Mine was a little extra lazy as June should be, right? ;) Today I’m finishing up a garden DIY project that I’ll be sharing soon, it’s one of those kinds of projects where you have to wait for your vines to grow so you can photograph it. :)  Fellow DIY bloggers know what I mean.

I’m headed to Las Vegas this week to celebrate the Fourth with family and friends with a BBQ + pool + fireworks party, it’s always fun to celebrate there. The Fourth of July has become my favorite holiday, it’s climbed above Christmas on my list. I love that there is no real gift buying or decorating pressure, it’s just all about relaxation, food, friends, and fireworks! Do you all love the Fourth of July as much as I?

Favorite links from this week:

A clever garage screen + cool tile + lush garden = chic outdoor oasis.

Step inside this dramatic renovated bachelor pad redone in a black and white palette.

Wow, how cool is this koi fish inspired backsplash?!

*le sigh* Dreamy golden light in the Tuileries Garden in Paris.

Yes —> finding your creative voice because “cover bands don’t change the world”.

For those chasing sunshine in California: the ten best SoCal beaches.

She’s the youngest person to travel to every country (how she did it).

Life advice from a 103 year old record setting runner.

Via Architecture

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