Thursday, May 23, 2019

Big Island Inspiration

Hawaii is a magical place that fills the soul and has healing properties. Every time I visit, I return with a little more aloha in my heart.

Back in March, Matt and I took our teens on a vacation to the Big Island of Hawaii. I didn’t have any input in the details of this Big Island adventure, Matt planned the entire vacation, I let him take the reins and I went along for the ride, so all of the beauty I saw and all of the inspiration I gathered came to me as a surprise.

One thing I’m learning is that the more present I am in the moment, the more I’m aligned with the pulse of the universe and in tune with nature and everything around me. I’ve become even more observant by living that philosophy and as a result I feel more gratitude and more joy just noticing the little things around me.

I’m one who craves constant stimulation in the form of shape and color so I’m always up for a new adventure to a new destination because I know I’ll find inspiration there, if I just pay attention. I could go on and on about Hawaii’s natural beauty. I could share pictures of white sandy beaches and waterfalls, but I thought instead I’d share the little things that caught my eye, that gave me little moments of wonder for just being in that place at that moment.

There’s an abundance of lava rock everywhere on the Big Island and the one thing I kept noticing was how black serves as a dramatic backdrop for green leaves! Consider black paint outdoors for your fences or arbors or planters, black really shows off the beauty of lush greenery.


We stayed in Waikoloa for a few nights at the Marriott and one thing I love about hotels in Hawaii is how they’re decorated in tropical style and open to the elements.





I’m usually not a fan of hotel carpet but this wide runner is out-of-the-box and I liked its blue abstract pattern. Also notice those awesome planters, these ones in white!


Are you like me when you spy a beautiful tree with branches that look like sculpture, you stop to snap a picture? Pretty much me all.the.time. :)


Vintage Volkswagon vans are a reminder of one of the coolest eras in American history, I found this one and these rad surfboards at one of my favorite stops: the Lava Lava Beach Club.



I’ve only seen a black sand beach once before and that was in the Hana area of Maui. I had to stare at this black sand beach at Waimanu Bay for awhile just to admire the contrast of the sand against the foam of the waves, so beautiful.


Botanicals are a huge source of inspiration to me so a stop at the Botanical Garden was a welcome pit stop. Each one of these is an organic work of art.


But you don’t need to go to Hawaii to be inspired by nature, it’s everywhere if you’re present and looking for it. :)

I’ve had a few requests to share recent pictures of my family. As my kids have gotten older I’ve pulled waaaaay back on how much I share about them on social media and here on the blog because I think they should tell their own online story, so out of respect for their privacy I rarely show pictures of my children, but today I’ll make an exception, just look how much they’ve grown! I’ll leave you with a few snapshots of some of the special moments we shared.




This was my sole souvenir, this black heart shaped rock found on the beach, better than anything I could buy in a shop. I keep it on my desk as a reminder of this beautiful island.


Hawaii is always a source of immense beauty and inspiration, don’t you agree? What’s one of your favorite memories from Hawaii?


Via Architecture

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