Sunday, April 14, 2019

Weekend Reading

Weekend hellos! Forgive me for a late post this Sunday, I was attending a dear friend’s 40th birthday party yesterday and celebrating her entry into this decade of life! I feel like my forties have been my best years so far and it’s nice to have close friends joining me!

I used to be afraid of getting older but recently I cast that fear aside and decided to look at life with gratitude instead. I’m grateful for good health, a loving family, amazing friends, and more wisdom in my ability to cultivate real relationships, set boundaries, and achieve balance. I wouldn’t trade any of it to be younger!  What would you say are the greatest benefits of growing older?

Favorite links:


Nicely done: the staging in this home by TomKat Studio.

I love the modern touches in this Melbourne home decorated in black and white.

Spring cleaning: 20 spaces not to forget.

Hmmm is this really true? The oldest child is the smartest child.

How emotionally intelligent are you?

Comfort food in an Instant Pot: spaghetti and meatballs.

So inspired by progress made by the Michael J. Fox foundation.

Travel tip: take pictures of your Airbnb before you leave.


Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Via Architecture

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